The difference between biodegradable delivery bags and ordinary delivery bags


There are significant differences between biodegradable express bags and ordinary express bags in terms of materials, environmental protection, degradation speed, and use experience. Here's how they compare:

1. Materials

Biodegradable delivery bag:

Degradable materials such as PLA and PBAT are used, which are often derived from renewable resources such as corn starch.

Ordinary express bag:

Petroleum-based plastics such as PE are mainly used, and these materials come from non-renewable petroleum resources.

2. Environmental protection

Biodegradable delivery bag:

Under specific environmental conditions (such as industrial composting facilities or appropriate natural conditions), it can be completely decomposed by microorganisms, and the final products are carbon dioxide, water and biomass, leaving no harmful residues.

It is environmentally friendly and reduces white pollution, which helps to slow down global warming.

Ordinary express bag:

It is not biodegradable, takes hundreds of years to decompose in the natural environment, and is easy to cause long-term environmental pollution and ecological damage.

Harmful chemicals may be released during production and degradation.

3. Degradation rate

Biodegradable delivery bag:

It can be completely degraded in a few months under industrial composting conditions.

Under household composting or natural conditions, the degradation rate may be slower, but it is still much faster than ordinary plastic.

Ordinary express bag:

Under natural conditions the degradation rate is very slow, usually taking hundreds of years.

4. Use experience

Biodegradable delivery bag:

It has similar characteristics to ordinary plastic bags, including high strength, water resistance and easy sealing.

With the advancement of technology, the performance of biodegradable materials is getting closer and closer to that of traditional plastics.

Ordinary express bag:

Traditional plastic bags are excellent in strength, water resistance and ease of use, and are a common choice for express packaging.

5. Cost

Biodegradable delivery bag:

The production cost is relatively high, but with the progress of production technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, the cost is gradually decreasing.

In the long term, the use of biodegradable materials can help reduce the cost of environmental remediation.

Ordinary express bag:

The production cost is low because of its mature raw materials and manufacturing process.


Biodegradable express bags are significantly better than ordinary express bags in terms of environmental protection and degradation speed, although the production cost is higher, they are of great significance in reducing environmental pollution and promoting sustainable development. With the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and enterprises, choosing biodegradable express bags has become a trend.

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